Usually when you hear the term "Not in my back yard (NIMBY)!" it refers to opposition against a utility's plans for a power plant that will offend residents. The residents are usually fine with the goals of the utility, after all, everyone needs power; they just don't want to have to see the power being generated. Or in the case of fossil fuels, be close to the pollution. They like the idea of a power plant, just not anywhere close to them!
Luckily renewable power generation solves the pollution problem, but large wind turbines are still an eye-sore to some. This is the topic of a new documentary titled, "Chasing a Legacy", which can be seen on the website for WindWorks! northwest. From their website:
WindWorks! Northwest advocates for government approval of well-conceived wind power projects in the Pacific Northwest. WindWorks! counters NIMBY opposition by telling the truth about the effects of wind farms and the economic and environmental benefits they provide.
The documentary is only 15 minutes and very inspiring.
One of the most famous examples of NIMBYism and wind power is Ted Kennedy and wealthy Cape Cod residents who don't want to have to see wind turbines out on the horizon when they look out at the ocean. They would much rather have the poor schmucks who live next to the coal plant deal with having to live by a generating plant.
Personally, I would much rather see the calming scene of wind turbines blowing in the breeze than the coal smoke stack that I currently see when I look out the window. Plus, my lungs don't suffer from wind turbines. See the trailer to the documentary below!
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