
Hojo Motor is a Scam!

The Hojo Motor is a scam.  If you purchased the Hojo Motor plans before reading this post, I'm sorry, you got scammed.  If you purchase the Hojo Motor plans after reading this post, you are dumb.  Plain and simple.  I'm sorry to use harsh words here, but sometimes it's necessary to be blunt in order to get your point across.

We've been down this path before, with the Magniwork scam.  In fact, Magniwork has been our most popular post, and has led us to post Renewable Energy Scams.  As you can see from that post, there is no shortage of scams out there trying to take advantage of the energy ignorant.

I don't care that on the web page for the Hojo plan they show some patents (see the bottom of this post for information regarding said patents) for a some kind of magnetic perpetual motion machine.  I'm not even going to get into the discussion on the laws of thermodynamics.  What I will tell you is if some kind of free energy generator was real, I would be the first person to have it.  You wouldn't hear about some free energy generator from some Google ad, you would hear about it because the President is talking about it on the world stage.  It would be the biggest breakthrough in the 21st century.  And you think you are going to buy some plans for $49.97?  (side note: ClickBank sells these plans along with many other scams, and they should be fined by the Federal Trade Commission)

Hank Mills wrote a great "Letter to Hojo Motor Plan Scammers" in which he stated:

Howard Johnson was a brilliant inventor. You got that one fact correct. However, his technologies were never fully developed, and were still very experimental when he died. Even if he was able to create motion in an experimental test rig (after hundreds or thousands of hours of work), it was not ready to power a home, an appliance, or even a very light load like a light bulb. The idea that someone could take plans for his device, and build a system capable of powering their home, is totally absurd. Unless of course, they had tens of thousands of dollars to spend, months to experiment just to make a motor self-sustain, and even more time and money to do the research and development needed to do anything practical with it.

Don't think we know what we're talking about?  Fine, buy the plans and make a fool of yourself.  For everyone else out there, focus your time on conserving energyproducing real clean energy, and living more sustainably.


Regarding the Patent Claims, below is what I received from a friend who is a patent attorney:

First, if he got a patent on this "secret" invention that was just released, then it couldn't have been secret, since getting a patent means publicly disclosing the invention.  Patents don't certify that free energy works, the patents simple certify that his magnetic motor works as a magnetic motor

Regarding the patents: I"ve pasted the first independent claim of each of the patents so you can start learning what patents really cover.  The claims are the legal bounds of the patent and define what the inventor is actually protecting.  As you will so, there is no language in any of these claims that says free energy, pertetual motion, etc.

4,151,431 patent expired in 1999.
It Claims: A permanent magnet motor comprising, in combination, a stator track defining a track direction and having first and second sides and composed of a plurality of track permanent magnets each having first and second poles of opposite polarity, said magnets being disposed in side-by-side relationship having a spacing between adjacent magnets and like poles defining said track sides, an elongated armature permanent magnet located on one of said track sides for relative movement thereto and in spaced relationship to said track side wherein an air gap exists between said armature magnet and said track magnets, said armature magnet having first and second poles of opposite polarity located at the opposite ends of said armature magnet defining the length thereof, the length of said armature magnet being disposed in a direction in general alignment with the direction of said track, the spacing of said armature magnet poles from said track associated side and the length of said armature magnet as related to the width and spacing of said track magnets in the direction of said track being such as to impose a continuous force on said armature magnet in said general direction of said track.

(THIS IS NOT CLAIMING A FREE ENERGY DEVICE, just a specific, very narrowly claimed type of motor)

4,877,983 Patent - expired in 2009
It Claims:
In combination with a movable armature, means for guiding movement of the armature along a predetermined path and a permanent armature magnet having magnetic poles of opposite polarity spaced from each other along said path to establish a magnetic field of limited extent movable with the armature and magnetic stator means for establishing a stationary magnetic flux zone along said path, the improvement comprising flux emitting surfaces of one polarity mounted on the stator means on opposite sides of said path for limiting said flux zone through which said path extends and means mounting the permanent armature magnet on the armature with the poles thereof orientated relative to said flux emitting surfaces on the stator means for unidirectionally propelling the armature along said path through the limited zone in response to magnetic interaction between the movable magnetic field and the limited flux zone, said magnetic stator means including a plurality of magnetic gate assemblies fixedly spaced from each other along said path and respectively establishing stationary magnetic fields, each of said gate assemblies including a plurality of interconnected bar magnets substantially bordering said limited flux zone exposing pole faces of opposite polarity in parallel spaced planes intersected by said path, and magnetic means connected to said interconnected bar magnets exposing one of the flux emitting surfaces of said one polarity perpendicular to said parallel planes for magnetic interaction of the stationary magnetic fields.

(AGAIN, NOT CLAIMING PERPETUAL MOTION, just a different motor configuration)

5,402,021 will expire 2015
It Claims:
A magnetic propulsion system comprising:

a vehicle having a rigidly attached magnetic armature, said magnetic armature including a first series of magnets positioned across said vehicle and extending generally from one lateral side of the vehicle to another lateral side of the vehicle, all of the magnets in said first series of magnets being generally parallel to one another;

a first magnetic wall disposed laterally adjacent said vehicle and extending longitudinally along a desired direction of vehicle travel, said first magnetic wall comprising a second series of magnets, each of the magnets in said second series having a particular size and a North-to-South axis pointing in the same direction as the desired direction of vehicle travel, each of said permanent magnets of said particular size in said second series being separated from the next successive permanent magnet in said second series by a thinner magnet, each of said thinner magnets having a pole-to-pole length which is shorter than the lateral width of said magnets of a particular size in said second series, said thinner magnets further having a North-to-South axis pointing perpendicular to the North-to-South axis of said magnets of a particular size in said second series and pointing generally toward a vehicle side of the first magnetic wall; and

a second magnetic wall disposed generally parallel to said first magnetic wall and laterally adjacent to said vehicle but opposite from said first magnetic wall, said second magnetic wall comprising a third series of magnets, each of said magnets in said third series having said particular size and a North-to-South axis pointing in an opposite direction from the desired direction of vehicle travel, each of the permanent magnets in said third series being separated from the next successive permanent magnet of said particular size in said third series by a thinner magnet, each of said thinner magnets in the second magnetic wall having a pole-to-pole length which is shorter than the lateral width of said magnets of a particular size in said third series, said thinner magnets in the second magnetic wall further having a North-to-South axis pointing in the same general direction as the North-to-South axis of the thinner magnets in the first magnetic wall;

wherein said first and second magnetic walls create magnetic fields which exert propelling forces on said armature and thereby cause the vehicle to accelerate in the desired direction of vehicle travel.

(claim and EXTREMELY narrow vehicle with some sort of magnetic propulsion motor, nothing more)

It is annoying how many people get up in arms about patents when they just take for granted what someone who is clearly also not a patent person tells them.  Always always always read the claims of the patent before making any comments about what the patent supposedly covers.

Click here to learn why perpetual motion free energy machines don't work.  Make any comments regarding perpetual motion on the post in the link.  You can make HoJo scam comments below.

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Well it,s great reading the comments and i am sure some people have got scammed by this hojo thingy.I designed a perm magnet motor many years ago that i think will really work The problem was finding all the alloys and getting the metal work done.would take a lot of money and time.And how to protect the invention with many people involved to just turn out the first prototype.And my design is a lot more complex than Mr.Johnsons.
All of these scams used to run in cycles, they would be picked up from popular mechs or some other obscure classified ads and run the gamut for a while and then die off for a while. Now with the internet it seems we will be constantly seeing them now because of organizations like Google and Yahoo that don't care that their advertising dollars are coming in from notorious scams such as this one. I think it is they who we have to slam the hardest for allowing these out right lies to be sold in LARGE full color ads on their news pages and allowing them to be posted as accepted science. Shame on Google and Yahoo and any others who allow this crap to flourish.
WOW! This HoJO may be a great way to solve some of the worlds problems.... All we need to do is get Obama, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Kim Jong jr together fission up some of Mahmoud's and Kim's favorite popies and they can all get ripped in less than 4 minutes! "COOL"... Obama can give them a bit of a speach (wink, wink, doing the sales pitch).... Well boy's sorry George couldn't join us today, but anyway I brought you a little present from back home, yeah no need to mess with that uranium stuff no more yip all you need is one of these good old Hojo's,(wrapped up nicely of corse,,,red white and blue bow), then come back ripped like Ponch, Mohmoud like Rambo and Kim like Bruce lee and wipeeeee everybody is happy:-)
LOL... The funniest post so far... LOL...
you might as well lose all you material posessions , you have already lost your conscience and self respect by ripping people off with this hojo scam.
ckmapawatt's picture
Carl, I'm sure your perm magnet motor would work. It just wouldn't run perpetually.
A refrigerator converts warm to cold. An oven converts cold to hot. Both processes require additional energy to do their work and you pay for the electricity or gas for that energy. A motor converts electrical power (called watts", for which you pay) into mechanical power (rotation) and heat (caused by friction, which is useless) To get 10 watts of mechanical power out of the motor you will have to put more than 10 watts (say 11 watts, assuming 1 watt of friction loss) into the motor. The fridge, oven, and motor are merely energy or power converters; they can change the form of the energy but cannot create energy. This is the first law of thermodynamics. (The second law says that in any conversion, you will always lose some of the energy to an unavailable form such as friction.)
Of course it's a scam. Even with an elementary understanding of physics, it is easy to see you can't create energy in any form without fuel of some kind. Burn wood, you get heat. Burn gasoline, natural gas, coal, or any other fossil fuel and derive some kind of motion to drive machinery to do with what you will. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "FREE" electric...........
Look, I'm from the land down under, we have jack shit apart from vegemite sandwiches. But I think I may have something in common with other bloggers on this site.... That is I realise energy mediums arn't cheap and I like a good bargin (Like going to the dollar store or $1 pint of beer at the pub during happy hour...oh yeah, Thats what I am talking about) plain and simple! Where I'm from solar technology is shit and expensive, proberly becuase generating your own energy for other than heating has been a big no no in the past(That would be taking revenue from the Gov owned power providers and that wouldn't be right would it.....). Further this, i am new to this mapawatt site but it would be great to see some debates on "what is" the cheapest form of generating my own energy. (P.S- And not have a looser to recommend that it is better buying a $50 book how to build a MoJo in my bedroom rather than buying a quality solar unit).


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