
MyEnergy helping you reduce your utility bills

The following guest post is written by the folks over at MyEnergy.  They reached out to Mapawatt after we mentioned them at the bottom of our post on OPower.

I'm registered on and check it out every now and then. It's a nice tool to get a good idea on how you stack up vs. others.  What I'd like to see is how the others compare vs. me when it comes to home size, number of inhabitants, etc to get an idea of an apples-to-apples comparison.  The site is very easy to navigate around in and has some nice graphs of energy history.  I am still waiting on my natural gas provider to sign up with them.

Mapawatt's original purpose was to do something very similar to MyEnergy, but we've refocused as of late and put our efforts on helping users compare energy with each other on hold for the time being (If you don't get the name Map A Watt then that link should make it clear...).  As we noticed with Microsoft Hohm, the home energy comparison market is challenging to engage with consumers.  Katie Fehrenbacher is right on in her post from 2011 when she points out that OPower is successful because it uses an "Opt-Out" model and works directly with the utilities.  Here's hoping that MyEnergy can engage users and really make a dent in the home energy comparison market!

Check out their site and let us know what you think!


People are always looking for ways to save money. Too often they overlook utility bills as an easy way to cut costs. According to the U.S. government, the average household spends over $2,000 per year on utilities. But pricey utility bills don’t have to be a given. Simple lifestyle changes and low-cost energy efficient improvements can dramatically lower energy bills. In fact, just discovering that one’s energy consumption is more than friends and neighbors is often enough to change behavior and lower costs.

At MyEnergy, we have seen many users cut their utility bills by more than 10% by employing very simple changes. That’s $200 per year in savings.

How does it work? is a free online tool that pulls data from utilities nationwide and allows users to track and compare their energy bills to others in their area. Users can even compare energy spending to specific friends or neighbors.

The site also includes energy savings tips, tools to set and track your goals, and allows you to invite your friends and neighbors to participate:

Energy Saving Tips

Energy Tools to Set and Track Goals

Invite your friends and neighbors!

MyEnergy‘s unique technology is built to allow almost anyone to track their home energy usage. Unlike other companies, which require a complex utility partnership in order to participate, MyEnergy simply asks users to provide their utility’s online login information. Currently, over two thirds of the U.S. population is served by and that number will soon rise to over 90%. It’s a simple, easy and free way to help you reduce your energy bills.


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