Mapawatt has not tested this product.

As mentioned in the product info, the biggest advantage of the Insight Energy Cost monitor is that it has a cable attaching the diplay to the monitoring unit.  This allows the Insight to display energy consumption of hard to reach places.  The Kill-A-Watt we tested works great, but some outlets may be behind appliances, like a fridge, and this makes it very hard to read that energy consumption.

The biggest flaw was that the Insight does not show kWh consumed.  This is one of the most important numbers in energy conservation.

For Energy Noobs who may not care about kWh, and would rather just get a glimpse of instantaneous power (watt), how much CO2 you've emitted (not sure how this helps you reduce energy), or how much money it has cost to operate a device (as long as you are assuming a constant cost of electricity) then the Belkin Conserve Insight Energy Cost Monitor will be great for you. You definitely won't hurt your neck trying to view the display.  However, if you want more features and you can squeeze into hard to reach places, we recommend the Kill-A-Watt.

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