Phone Energy Apps

Below is a list of apps for smart phones that could help you control and save energy used in your home.  Let us know if you've found some that are worthy of adding to the list.  I'm staying away from apps that require too much manual entry, as I've found from personal experience that people just don't use them.

Smart Phone apps for energy conservation:

  • Ecobee thermostat iPhone app - I have an Ecobee internet programmable thermostat and the iPhone app works great.  One of my favorite things to do is to show people how I can control my AC from my iPhone thousands of miles from home!
  • Solar analysis with iPhone - I tried this app out and it was real neat.  This is a great tool if you are a solar installer or if you are interested in seeing if solar would work well on your roof.
  • Google PowerMeter - While not technically a smart phone app, you can still view your iGoogle web page from your smart phone and if you have a smart meter or TED 5000 you can show people your home's real time energy usage while you are away from home.
  • Turn off lights with iPhone - Early in 2010 Apple was running commercials about how the iPhone could help you be "green".  One of those methods showed the Schlage Link app which enabled users to turn off their lights with their iPhone.   However there are some drawbacks, so read the post!
  • Monitor your EV - When the Chevy Volt comes out you will be able to monitor your battery charge and other car diagnostics through an OnStar phone app.  I'm sure all of the electric car companies will have similar products.
  • Control your house - SmartHome has a great list of apps that enable you to control your house with an iPhone/iPad/iPod.  From the page: "Ever wish you could control a light with your iPhone, iPod or iPad? How about adjusting the thermostat or checking a web cam and unlocking a door? The following apps let you to do all this and more. Each app featured below requires an interface which allows the iPhone, iPod or iPad to communicate to INSTEON devices in your home. These devices include wall switches and dimmers, plug-in lamp and appliance controllers, thermostats and more."
  • TripAlyizer - I read about this app in Popular Science and I made the mistake of paying $6 for it :(  It is supposed to tell you if you are driving efficiently for the purpose of saving you gas $$$, but it's just not accurate and it is very annoying.  I seriously doubt anyone has saved gas using this app.  Here's a tip: drive less aggresively and slower and you will save gas!  Now please send me your $6.


So there you have it.  What did I miss out?  What apps have you used to help you save energy in your home?

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You just want to make sure the neutral wires (generally colored white) are run throughout the house. I don’t think you should have an issue with this since I believe it’s required by the electricians these days, but I know that wasn’t always the case.

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