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My Sensor
Lighting Cost Comparison - Incandescent vs. CFL
***Update - 10/4/09 - I have an improving lighting cost comparison that includes a lighting calculator and includes a residential LED bulb. See the incandescent, CFL, and LED lighting cost comparison and calculator.
CFL Strategy
Once you've decided to replace your energy wasting incandescent bulbs with CFLs, you need to develop the right strategy. Ideally, you would like to replace all your bulbs at once, but some people may not be able to tackle this expense all at once.
Mercury and CFL Recycling
I'm sure I'll be writing a fair amount about CFLs on this blog, because even though they make so much sense, there still seems to be a fair amount of misconception about them by some in the public.
Monitoring Intro
Every month the bill from the power company comes in the mail (or hopefully to your e-mail so you save on pollution). This bill is usually tersely reviewed, paid, and then the whole thought of energy consumption that existed for 30 seconds while the bill was paid is moved to the back burner (pun intended) for another 29 days.